Terms, frameworks and approaches for modern managers. Level up your management skills and knowledge!

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


360 Review

The 360-degree review is a feedback structure that encourages employee feedback from all directions: Top-down, upwards, peer-to-peer, etc. Learn more.


Accountability in the workplace

Accountability is the presence of ownership and initiative. When your team fosters a culture of accountability, it creates a sense of ownership across every individual. So, how can leaders make accountability a core part of the team’s culture and values? Learn more.

Affiliative leadership

Affiliative leaders approach their role with a people-first approach. The concept of affiliative leadership comes from one of six emotional leadership styles highlighted in Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee. Learn more.


Balance Framework

The Balance Framework focuses on having meaningful one-on-one conversations across four key areas: Growth, communication, work, and motivation. Learn more.




Employee Coaching

Coaching in the workplace is an incredible tool for managers when it comes to developing talent. As a leader, employee coaching involves actively mentoring and developing the skills of individuals on your team. Learn more.








Kudos is another name for sharing recognition in the workplace, from small gestures to bigger ones, it’s all about celebrating employees for their hard work, great attitude, and anything else deserving of a shoutout. Learn more.



Manager README

Similar to engineering ReadME documents, manager READMEs are a document that leaders create for their team to share things like communication preferences, values, expectations, and more. They’re typically first shared when a new employee joins the team. Learn more.

Managing up

Managing up is the idea of managing your manager: From providing feedback to learning your manager’s working style and adapting to it. Learn more.

Meeting notes vs. meeting minutes

There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to the difference between meeting minutes and notes. Learn about the difference and how to properly document your meetings. Learn more.



OKR traffic-light system

For leaders who use OKRs for team goals, one piece of the puzzle is to review goal progress on an ongoing cadence using the traffic-light system. When looking at overall progress, leaders will assign a color (red, yellow, or green) to each key result and adjust their strategy and efforts accordingly. Learn more.

One-on-one meeting

One-on-ones are a meeting held between a manager and their employee. They happen on a routine cadence (most commonly weekly), which involves discussing growth, performance, development, work, and motivation. Learn more.

One-on-one questions

From conversation starters and ice breakers to questions that prompt meaningful conversations that drive employee growth, motivation, and overall engagement. What questions should you be asking your team during one-on-one meetings? Learn more.




Reward vs. recognition

Rewards and recognition are two mechanisms that leaders use to engage and motivate their team. While some leaders sometimes lean one way over the other, it’s important to note that each has its time and place. Learn more.

Remote-first meeting

If you’re an onsite, remote, or hybrid team, remote-first meetings ensure that meetings are inclusive to everyone on the team. They’re managed and run with the mindset that everyone included is working remotely. Learn more.


Skip-level meeting

Skip-level meetings are essentially one-on-one meetings where employees “skip” a level of management and connect directly with more senior leaders in the company. Ultimately, meeting with your manager’s manager. Learn more.



Upward feedback

Upward feedback is feedback that is shared from the bottom-up. It can be skip-level feedback or from a direct report to their manager, so long as it’s shared in an upwards direction. Learn more.