Quarterly Mentor Mentee One-on-one Meeting Template

Focus on developing your skills and career with this quarterly one-on-one meeting agenda.

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Quarterly Mentor Mentee One-on-one Meeting Template


How to Run a successful Mentor Mentee One-on-one Meeting:

As a mentee, you have the opportunity to gain additional development and career growth from your mentor/advisor. In order to make the most of this relationship, it is important to have regular, focused one-on-one meetings. This guide will help you make the most of your mentor mentee one-on-one meetings, by explaining the purpose of the meeting, suggesting a format, and walking through each agenda item.

Why run this meeting?

The purpose of the mentor mentee one-on-one meeting is to focus on maximizing the impact of your mentor, developing knowledge and career growth, and helping each other. This meeting should be a regular, focused conversation between the two of you.

How long, how often, and who's invited?

The meeting should last for 60 minutes, and occur as needed. Only the mentor and mentee should be invited to this meeting.

What to talk about with your mentor / mentee?

1. What's new since we last spoke in your personal and professional life?

This is an opportunity for the mentee to update the mentor on any new developments in their life, both personal and professional. This helps the mentor to be aware of any new challenges or opportunities that the mentee is facing, and allows the mentor to provide relevant advice and support.

For mentors, this should feel like a catch up. Ask your mentee how they're doing. Be interested in their lives both outside of and within the company. If they've been promoted, feel free to congratulate them. If they need to take a few days off for a wedding, let them know that you can handle anything that comes up during their time away.

2. Networking opportunities

This is an opportunity for the mentor to share any relevant networking opportunities with the mentee. This could be anything from upcoming events to introductions to people in the mentor's network.

3. Professional and/or workplace challenges

This should be the core part of the meeting. It's an opportunity for the mentee to share any challenges they are facing at work, and for the mentor to provide advice, support, and value. This could be anything from career development challenges to specific workplace problems.

Examples of some challenges worth bringing to your mentor:

  • I'm struggling to keep on track with some of my goals.
  • I'm not sure how to set the right goals for myself.
  • I don't know how to get my manager to notice me.
  • Salary/Comp/Raises.

4. When should we meet next?

This is an opportunity to schedule the next meeting, and to discuss any other topics that need to be addressed.

After the meeting:

Once the meeting is over, it is important to follow up with the mentee to ensure that they are taking action on the advice and support that was given. This should be done via email

Mentees: remember to follow through on what you said you'd do.

About this template

One-on-one time between mentors and mentees is often infrequent but powerful. Maximize your time together using this 60 minute agenda.

Updated Apr 29, 2022

Quarterly Mentor Mentee One-on-one Meeting FAQs

How long should a quarterly mentor mentee one-on-one meeting be?


You should initially set your quarterly mentor mentee one-on-one meetings for 60 minutes with your team. If you prepare and share an agenda in advance you're likely to get through more faster.

How often should you have quarterly mentor mentee one-on-one meetings?


Most quarterly mentor mentee one-on-one meetings tend to occur quarterly. As you go through a few iterations of them you may need to increase or decrease the frequency.

What should you discuss during a quarterly mentor mentee one-on-one meeting?


4 great things to discuss in your Quarterly Mentor Mentee One-on-one Meeting:

  • What's new since we last spoke in your personal and professional life?
  • Networking opportunities
  • Professional and/or workplace challenges
  • When should we meet next?

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