· 3 mins · Communication

The weekly team meeting agenda template that every manager needs

When teams communicate they perform better. Get everyone on the team talking with this tried and tested weekly team meeting agenda template.

Avatar of Hiba Amin Hiba Amin

Weekly team meetings are an opportunity to get everyone discussing how the team can improve, roadblocks and wins on a more frequent basis. The best way to keep the team communicating? Have an engaging and inclusive team meeting agenda. 

Here are 6 items you should include on your weekly team meeting agenda:

1. 💃 What went well? 

Start the meeting off with the positives to get everyone excited to participate. Was there a new process that was implemented that improved your team’s workflow? Maybe a new campaign launch went extremely well and it shows in your numbers. These are things you want to highlight and celebrate. 

2. 💩 What could have gone better? 

Have every individual share one improvement that could improve how they, and/or the team functions. Raising issues on a weekly basis will keep small problems from snowballing into massive issues. As a result, your team will continue to improve the way they work together over time. 

3. 🙄 Anything feel more difficult than it should? 

This is an important discussion to have with your team frequently. For example, there might be an initial scope of work for a project that over time has grown and demanded more time than expected. You’ll uncover these types of issues that make what may have seemed to be a small project turn into something taking months. Other scenarios can include: 

  • A lead developer on your team is working on an important feature. However, due to business deadlines, the lead needs to be placed on a more important project. Not wanting to delay the release of the feature, you assign a new developer to the initial feature, but they are unable to proceed. A future improvement would be to have knowledge transfer processes in place. 
  • The level of time and effort needed to complete a project was underestimated. Working on gaging time commitments to future projects could be an improvement to focus on for the next project.

4. 🐌 Do we have any blockers?

Focus on three main things when it comes to roadblocks:

  1. Whose project is blocked?
  2. What’s blocking them? 
  3. Who can help remove those blockers? 

If you can answer those three questions, your team will be able to move faster, collaboratively. You’re likely already uncovering blockers in your bi-weekly or monthly team meetings, however, giving your direct reports more opportunities to bring up these blockers will provide them with the continued support that they deserve (and need!).

5. 🤔 From 1-10 how was your week overall?

Maybe your team had a stellar week and everyone gives it a 10, maybe not. Over time, you’ll notice patterns for how your team is feeling week-over-week; what’s stressing them out, what’s going well, etc. 

6. 🎧 What’s your song recommendation for the week? 

Close your meeting by talking about something that’s not work-related. It doesn’t have to be a song, it could be a news article, gif, movie recommendation, you name it. Have your team add in their recommendation to the shared agenda and end your meeting on a fun note. Giving your team more reasons to speak with one another will keep the lines of communication open, help build trust and boost employee morale. 

Communication and alignment are the keys to any successful team. Start using this weekly team meeting agenda template to have more productive meetings with your team today. 👇

Use this weekly team meeting template free with SoapBox!

What you should do now

Now that you've read this article, here are some things you should do:

  1. Our library of meeting agenda templates is designed to help you run more effective meetings.
  2. You should try Hypercontext to see how it can help you run a high performing org.
  3. If you found this article helpful, please share it with others on Linkedin or X (Twitter)

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