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Hypercontext Zapier integration
Hypercontext Zapier integration


Use Zapier to create next steps in other apps and synch status.

How it works

Zapier provides out-of-the-box solutions for automating the creation of next step in other apps. Zapier is fast to implement, does not require technical knowledge, and connects to many popular tools from Todoist to Google Sheets.


To get started, ensure you have active accounts for Hypercontext and Zapier. Go to Zapier's Hypercontext integration to synch next steps with other apps.

To authenticate your Hypercontext account, you will need to have your Hypercontext API KEY which can be found in your ‘Account Settings’ in Hypercontext. This API KEY is used to finalize the connection between Hypercontext and Zapier.

Two zaps will need to be created, 1st zap is to add the Next Steps that are assigned to you to your connected account automatically and the 2nd zap is to complete Next Steps using your connected account.

Connect Zapier to Spinach

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