Scrum Team Meeting Template

Use this template for 10-minute scrums with your team.

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Scrum Team Meeting Template


What are Scrum meetings?

Scrum meetings are daily check-ins with the team. They are part of agile meetings, where teams can sync up on the work they did the previous day and what they’re planning on accomplishing with their day. You can run these meetings in-person, on a video call, or asynchronously.

Scrum meeting template walk-through:

1. Blockers

What’s preventing a team member from getting work done? Your team might include things like technical limitations, emergency bugs that ate up their time, people limitations (I.e. someone is out sick).

2. What did you do yesterday?

This is a list of what got done the day before. This doesn’t have to be so nitty gritty as to sharing things like “I sent out 4 emails internally”, but rather any big chunks of work or activities that are relevant to the whole team. Each member should share what got done the day before and, if certain things didn’t get done, a brief explanation as to why (I.e. blockers).

3. What are your goals for today?

Here, each team member will commit to accomplishing a new list of tasks or work. This is the work they’re holding themselves accountable to complete that day.

4. How close are we to hitting our sprint goals? What’s your comfort level?

This agenda item will help the scrum master or team lead get a better sense of how the team is feeling about:

  • How their day-to-day activities are impacting overall team goals
  • The pace of the sprint
  • How well-scoped out (or not) the sprint is

About this template

Whether you’re in-person or working asynchronously, these 10-minute pulse checks will keep you and your team on top of your sprint.

Updated Feb 9, 2022

Scrum Team Meeting FAQs

How long should a scrum team meeting be?


You should initially set your scrum team meetings for 10 minutes with your team. If you prepare and share an agenda in advance you're likely to get through more faster.

How often should you have scrum team meetings?


Most scrum team meetings tend to occur daily. As you go through a few iterations of them you may need to increase or decrease the frequency.

What should you discuss during a scrum team meeting?


4 great things to discuss in your Scrum Team Meeting:

  • Blockers
  • What did you do yesterday?
  • What are your goals for today?
  • How close are we to hitting our sprint goals? What’s your comfort level?

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