About this template

{"ops":[{"insert":"XX/XXX one-on-one meeting\n"}]}

Posted on May 11, 2023

Example O3 FAQs

How do you structure a example o3?


You should think about deviding the meeting into 2 sections: Weekly Conversations, Adhoc Proposals. Then adding the following example o3 topics, where appropriate:

  • How are you? How are things outside of work? How are you feeling? What's on your mind?
  • How are we doing as a team? As an Office? How individual performance contributes to achieving those goals?
  • Discuss successes, challenges, and roadblocks. What can I do to help you achieve your targets? How can I support you?
  • Discuss career development
  • What can I do better as a manager?
  • What do you think is working well? What is not working so well?

What should you discuss during a example o3?


6 great things to discuss in your Example O3:

  • How are you? How are things outside of work? How are you feeling? What's on your mind?
  • How are we doing as a team? As an Office? How individual performance contributes to achieving those goals?
  • Discuss successes, challenges, and roadblocks. What can I do to help you achieve your targets? How can I support you?
  • Discuss career development
  • What can I do better as a manager?
  • What do you think is working well? What is not working so well?

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